// source --> /wp-content/plugins/google-maps-easy/modules/gmap/js/core.gmap.js?ver=1.9.18 var g_gmpLibJsLoaded = false; function gmpLoadGoogleLib() { if(!g_gmpLibJsLoaded) { jQuery('head').append(''); g_gmpLibJsLoaded = true; } } // Maps function gmpGoogleMap(elementId, params, additionalData) { if(typeof(google) === 'undefined') { gmpLoadGoogleLib(); //alert('Please check your Internet connection - we need it to load Google Maps Library from Google Server'); //return false; } params = params ? params : {}; additionalData = additionalData ? additionalData : {}; var defaults = { center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.69847032728747, -73.9514422416687) , zoom: 8 //, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }; if(params.map_center && params.map_center.coord_x && params.map_center.coord_y) { params.center = new google.maps.LatLng(params.map_center.coord_x, params.map_center.coord_y); } if(params.zoom) { params.zoom = parseInt(params.zoom); } if(!GMP_DATA.isAdmin && params.zoom_type == 'zoom_level' && params.zoom_mobile && jQuery(document).width() < 768) { params.zoom = parseInt(params.zoom_mobile); } if (typeof(elementId) === 'string') { elementId = jQuery(elementId)[0]; } this._elementId = elementId; this._mapParams = jQuery.extend({}, defaults, params); this._mapObj = null; this._markers = []; this._shapes = []; this._heatmap = []; this._clasterer = null; this._clastererEnabled = false; this._clastererMarkersGroupsStyles = []; this._eventListeners = {}; this._layers = {}; this.mapMarkersGroups = additionalData.markerGroups ? additionalData.markerGroups : []; this.init(); } gmpGoogleMap.prototype.init = function() { this._beforeInit(); this._mapObj = new google.maps.Map(this._elementId, this._mapParams); this._afterInit(); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype._beforeInit = function() { if(typeof(this._mapParams.type_control) !== 'undefined') { if(typeof(google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle[ this._mapParams.type_control ]) !== 'undefined') { this._mapParams.mapTypeControlOptions = { style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle[ this._mapParams.type_control ] }; this._mapParams.mapTypeControl = true; } else { this._mapParams.mapTypeControl = false; } } if(typeof(this._mapParams.zoom_control) !== 'undefined') { if(typeof(google.maps.ZoomControlStyle[ this._mapParams.zoom_control ]) !== 'undefined') { this._mapParams.zoomControlOptions = { style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle[ this._mapParams.zoom_control ] }; this._mapParams.zoomControl = true; } else { this._mapParams.zoomControl = false; } } if(typeof(this._mapParams.street_view_control) !== 'undefined') { this._mapParams.streetViewControl = parseInt(this._mapParams.street_view_control) ? true : false; } if(typeof(this._mapParams.pan_control) !== 'undefined') { this._mapParams.panControl = parseInt(this._mapParams.pan_control) ? true : false; } if(typeof(this._mapParams.overview_control) !== 'undefined') { if(this._mapParams.overview_control !== 'none') { this._mapParams.overviewMapControlOptions = { opened: this._mapParams.overview_control === 'opened' ? true : false }; this._mapParams.overviewMapControl = true; } else { this._mapParams.overviewMapControl = false; } } if(typeof(this._mapParams.dbl_click_zoom) !== 'undefined') { this._mapParams.disableDoubleClickZoom = parseInt(this._mapParams.dbl_click_zoom) ? false : true; // False/true in revert order - because option actually is for disabling this feature } if(typeof(this._mapParams.mouse_wheel_zoom) !== 'undefined') { this._mapParams.scrollwheel = parseInt(this._mapParams.mouse_wheel_zoom) ? true : false; } if(typeof(this._mapParams.map_type) !== 'undefined' && typeof(google.maps.MapTypeId[ this._mapParams.map_type ]) !== 'undefined' ) { this._mapParams.mapTypeId = google.maps.MapTypeId[ this._mapParams.map_type ]; } if(typeof(this._mapParams.map_stylization_data) !== 'undefined' && this._mapParams.map_stylization_data ) { this._mapParams.styles = this._mapParams.map_stylization_data; } jQuery(document).trigger('gmapBeforeMapInit', this); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getParams = function(){ return this._mapParams; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getParam = function(key){ return this._mapParams[ key ]; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.setParam = function(key, value){ this._mapParams[ key ] = value; return this; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype._afterInit = function() { if(typeof(this._mapParams.marker_clasterer) !== 'undefined' && this._mapParams.marker_clasterer) { this.enableClasterization(this._mapParams.marker_clasterer); } this.applyZoomType(); if(typeof(this._mapParams.zoom_min) !== 'undefined' && typeof(this._mapParams.zoom_max) !== 'undefined') { this._setMinZoomLevel(); this._setMaxZoomLevel(); this._fixZoomLevel(); } this.resizeMapByHeight(); jQuery(window).bind('resize', jQuery.proxy(this.resizeMapByHeight, this)); jQuery(window).bind('orientationchange', jQuery.proxy(this.resizeMapByHeight, this)); jQuery(document).trigger('gmapAfterMapInit', this); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype._setMinZoomLevel = function() { var curZoom = this.getZoom(); var minZoom = parseInt(this._mapParams.zoom_min) ? parseInt(this._mapParams.zoom_min) : null; this.getRawMapInstance().setOptions({minZoom: minZoom}); if(curZoom < minZoom) this.getRawMapInstance().setOptions({zoom: minZoom}); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype._setMaxZoomLevel = function() { var maxZoom = parseInt(this._mapParams.zoom_max) ? parseInt(this._mapParams.zoom_max) : null; this.getRawMapInstance().setOptions({maxZoom: maxZoom}); if(this.getRawMapInstance().zoom > maxZoom) this.getRawMapInstance().setOptions({zoom: maxZoom}); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype._fixZoomLevel = function() { var eventHandle = this._getEventListenerHandle('zoom_changed', 'zoomChanged'); if(!eventHandle) { eventHandle = google.maps.event.addListener(this.getRawMapInstance(), 'zoom_changed', jQuery.proxy(function(){ var minZoom = parseInt(this.getParam('zoom_min')) , maxZoom = parseInt(this.getParam('zoom_max')); if (this.getZoom() < minZoom) { this.setZoom(minZoom); if(GMP_DATA.isAdmin && this._getEventListenerHandle('idle', 'enableClasterization')) google.maps.event.trigger(this.getRawMapInstance(), 'idle'); } if (this.getZoom() > maxZoom) { this.setZoom(maxZoom); if(GMP_DATA.isAdmin && this._getEventListenerHandle('idle', 'enableClasterization')) google.maps.event.trigger(this.getRawMapInstance(), 'idle'); } }, this)); this._addEventListenerHandle('zoom_changed', 'zoomChanged', eventHandle); } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.enableClasterization = function(clasterType, needTrigger) { needTrigger = needTrigger ? needTrigger : false; switch(clasterType) { case 'MarkerClusterer': // Support only this one for now var self = this; self.setClastererMarkersGroupsStyles(); var eventHandle = google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(self.getRawMapInstance(), 'idle', function(a, b, c){ var clasterGridSize = self.getParam('marker_clasterer_grid_size') , markerGroupsStyles = self.getClastererMarkersGroupsStyles(); // Enable clasterization var allMapMarkers = self.getAllRawMarkers() , allVisibleMapMarkers = [] , clasterer = self.getClasterer(); for(var i = 0; i < allMapMarkers.length; i++) { if(allMapMarkers[i].getVisible() && !parseInt(allMapMarkers[i].params.clasterer_exclude)) { allVisibleMapMarkers.push(allMapMarkers[i]); } } if(clasterer){ clasterer.clearMarkers(); clasterer.addMarkers( allVisibleMapMarkers ); clasterer.setStyles( markerGroupsStyles ); self.setClastererGridSize(clasterGridSize); clasterer.resetViewport(); clasterer.redraw(); } else { clasterer = new MarkerClusterer(self.getRawMapInstance(), allVisibleMapMarkers, { styles: markerGroupsStyles }); clasterer.setCalculator(self.customClastererCalculatorFunction( markerGroupsStyles )); self.setClasterer(clasterer); self.setClastererGridSize(clasterGridSize); clasterer = self.getClasterer(); } }); this._addEventListenerHandle('idle', 'enableClasterization', eventHandle); if(GMP_DATA.isAdmin || needTrigger) { google.maps.event.trigger(self.getRawMapInstance(), 'idle'); } this._clastererEnabled = true; break; } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.disableClasterization = function() { var eventHandle = this._getEventListenerHandle('idle', 'enableClasterization'); if(eventHandle) { var clasterer = this.getClasterer(); if(clasterer) { clasterer.clearMarkers(); var markers = this.getAllRawMarkers(); for(var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { markers[i].setMap( this.getRawMapInstance() ); } } google.maps.event.removeListener( eventHandle ); google.maps.event.trigger(this.getRawMapInstance(), 'idle'); this._clastererEnabled = false; } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.customClastererCalculatorFunction = function(markerGroupsStyles) { return function(markers, numStyles) { var styleIndex = 1, markersGroupsStyles = markerGroupsStyles, markersGroupsIds = {}, maxCount = 0, groupId = 0, curStyle = []; for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { if (markers[i].marker_group_id) { if (typeof(markersGroupsIds[markers[i].marker_group_id]) == 'undefined') { markersGroupsIds[markers[i].marker_group_id] = 1; } else { markersGroupsIds[markers[i].marker_group_id]++; } } } for (var currGroupId in markersGroupsIds) { if (markersGroupsIds[currGroupId] > maxCount) { maxCount = markersGroupsIds[currGroupId]; groupId = currGroupId; } } curStyle = jQuery.grep(markersGroupsStyles, function (e, i) { if (e.marker_group_id == groupId) { return e; } }); if (curStyle && curStyle[0]) styleIndex = markersGroupsStyles.indexOf(curStyle[0]) + 1; return { text: markers.length, index: styleIndex }; } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getClasterer = function() { if(this._clasterer) { return this._clasterer; } return false; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.setClasterer = function(clasterer) { this._clasterer = clasterer; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.setMapMarkersGroups = function(groups) { this.mapMarkersGroups = groups; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getMapMarkersGroups = function() { return this.mapMarkersGroups; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.setClastererMarkersGroupsStyles = function() { var mapMarkersGroups = this.getMapMarkersGroups() , markersGroupsStyles = this.getClastererMarkersGroupsStyles() , defClasterIcon = GMP_DATA.modPath + 'gmap/img/m1.png' , oldDefClasterIcon = 'https://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markerclusterer/images/m1.png' // Prevent to use old default claster icon cdn icon because it is missing , clasterIcon = this.getParam('marker_clasterer_icon') , iconWidth = this.getParam('marker_clasterer_icon_width') , iconHeight = this.getParam('marker_clasterer_icon_height'); // Set claster base icon clasterIcon = clasterIcon && clasterIcon != oldDefClasterIcon ? clasterIcon : defClasterIcon; iconWidth = iconWidth ? iconWidth : 53; iconHeight = iconHeight ? iconHeight : 52; markersGroupsStyles.push({ marker_group_id: 0 , url: clasterIcon , width: iconWidth , height: iconHeight }); if(mapMarkersGroups) { for(var i = 0; i < mapMarkersGroups.length; i++) { var markerGroupId = mapMarkersGroups[i].id , markerGroupClasterIcon = mapMarkersGroups[i].params.claster_icon , markerGroupClasterIconWidth = mapMarkersGroups[i].params.claster_icon_width , markerGroupClasterIconHeight = mapMarkersGroups[i].params.claster_icon_height; if(markerGroupClasterIcon && markerGroupClasterIcon != clasterIcon) { markersGroupsStyles.push({ marker_group_id: markerGroupId , url: markerGroupClasterIcon ? markerGroupClasterIcon : defClasterIcon , width: markerGroupClasterIconWidth ? markerGroupClasterIconWidth : 53 , height: markerGroupClasterIconHeight ? markerGroupClasterIconHeight : 52 }); } } } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getClastererMarkersGroupsStyles = function() { return this._clastererMarkersGroupsStyles; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.setClastererGridSize = function(size) { var clasterer = this.getClasterer(); size = size && parseInt(size) ? parseInt(size) : null; if(clasterer && size) { clasterer.setGridSize(size); } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getClastererGridSize = function() { var clasterer = this.getClasterer() , clusterGridSize = null; if(clasterer) { clusterGridSize = clasterer.getGridSize(); } return clusterGridSize; }; /** * Should trigger after added or modified markers */ gmpGoogleMap.prototype.markersRefresh = function() { var clasterer = this.getClasterer(); if(this._clastererEnabled && clasterer) { clasterer.clearMarkers(); clasterer.addMarkers( this.getAllRawMarkers() ); } jQuery(document).trigger('gmapAfterMarkersRefresh', this); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype._addEventListenerHandle = function(event, code, handle) { if(!this._eventListeners[ event ]) this._eventListeners[ event ] = {}; this._eventListeners[ event ][ code ] = handle; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype._getEventListenerHandle = function(event, code) { return this._eventListeners[ event ] && this._eventListeners[ event ][ code ] ? this._eventListeners[ event ][ code ] : false; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getRawMapInstance = function() { return this._mapObj; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.setCenter = function (lat, lng) { if(typeof lng == 'undefined'){ this.getRawMapInstance().setCenter(lat); }else this.getRawMapInstance().setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng)); return this; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getCenter = function () { return this.getRawMapInstance().getCenter(); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.setZoom = function (zoomLevel) { this.getRawMapInstance().setZoom(parseInt(zoomLevel)); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getZoom = function () { return this.getRawMapInstance().getZoom(); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getBounds = function () { return this.getRawMapInstance().getBounds(); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.fitBounds = function (bounds) { this.getRawMapInstance().fitBounds(bounds); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.addMarker = function(params) { var newMarker = new gmpGoogleMarker(this, params); this._markers.push( newMarker ); return newMarker; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.addShape = function(params) { var newShape = new gmpGoogleShape(this, params); this._shapes.push( newShape ); return newShape; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.addHeatmap = function(params) { var heatmap = new gmpGoogleHeatmap(this, params); this._heatmap.push( heatmap ); return heatmap; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getMarkerById = function(id) { if(this._markers && this._markers.length) { for(var i in this._markers) { if(this._markers[i].getId && this._markers[i].getId() == id) return this._markers[ i ]; } } return false; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getShapeById = function(id) { if(this._shapes && this._shapes.length) { for(var i in this._shapes) { if(this._shapes[ i ].getId() == id) return this._shapes[ i ]; } } return false; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getHeatmap = function() { if(this._heatmap && this._heatmap.length) { // There is only one heatmap layer on the map return this._heatmap[0]; } return false; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.removeMarker = function(id) { var marker = this.getMarkerById( id ); if(marker) { marker.removeFromMap(); } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.removeShape = function(id) { var shape = this.getShapeById( id ); if(shape) { shape.removeFromMap(); } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getAllMarkers = function() { return this._markers; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getAllShapes = function() { return this._shapes; }; /** * Retrive original Map marker objects (Marker objects from Google API) */ gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getAllRawMarkers = function() { var res = []; if(this._markers && this._markers.length) { for(var i = 0; i < this._markers.length; i++) { res.push( this._markers[i].getRawMarkerInstance() ); } } return res; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.setMarkersParams = function(markers) { if(this._markers && this._markers.length) { for(var i = 0; i < this._markers.length; i++) { for(var j = 0; j < markers.length; j++) { if(this._markers[i].getId() == markers[j].id) { this._markers[i].setMarkerParams( markers[j] ); break; } } } } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.get = function(key) { return this.getRawMapInstance().get( key ); }; // Set option for RAW MAP gmpGoogleMap.prototype.set = function(key, value) { this.getRawMapInstance().set( key, value ); return this; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.clearMarkers = function() { if(this._markers && this._markers.length) { for(var i = 0; i < this._markers.length; i++) { this._markers[i].setMap( null ); } this._markers = []; } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.clearMarkersByParam = function(param) { if(this._markers && this._markers.length) { for(var i = 0; i < this._markers.length; i++) { if(this._markers[i].getMarkerParam(param)) { this._markers[i].setMap( null ); this._markers.splice(i, 1); this.clearMarkersByParam(param); break; } } } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.clearShapes = function() { if(this._shapes && this._shapes.length) { for(var i = 0; i < this._shapes.length; i++) { this._shapes[i].setMap( null ); } this._shapes = []; } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getViewId = function() { return this._mapParams.view_id; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getViewHtmlId = function() { return this._mapParams.view_html_id; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getId = function() { return this._mapParams.id; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.refresh = function() { return google.maps.event.trigger(this.getRawMapInstance(), 'resize'); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.refreshWithCenter = (function(lat, lng, zoom) { var res = google.maps.event.trigger(this.getRawMapInstance(), 'resize'); if(zoom) { this.setZoom(zoom); } else { this.setZoom(this.getZoom()); } if(lat && lng) { this.setCenter(lat, lng); } else { this.setCenter(this.getCenter().lat(), this.getCenter().lng()); } return res; }); gmpGoogleMap.prototype.fullRefresh = function() { this.refresh(); this.checkMarkersParams(this._markers, false); this.setCenter( this._mapParams.center ); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.checkMarkersParams = function(markers, needToShow) { if(markers && markers.length) { for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { var markerParams = markers[i].getMarkerParam('params') , showDescription = parseInt(markerParams.show_description); if(showDescription || needToShow) { markers[i].showInfoWnd( true, showDescription ); } } } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.resizeMapByHeight = function(e, elem, withoutAfter) { if(!GMP_DATA.isAdmin && parseInt(this.getParam('adapt_map_to_screen_height')) && this.getRawMapInstance().map_display_mode != 'popup') { var viewId = this.getParam('view_id') , selectors = this.getParam('selectors') , windowObj = jQuery(window) , mapContainer = jQuery('#gmpMapDetailsContainer_' + viewId) , mapContainerWrap = jQuery('#mapConElem_' + viewId) , height; withoutAfter = withoutAfter ? withoutAfter : (mapContainerWrap.data('rmh-without-after') ? mapContainerWrap.data('rmh-without-after') : false); elem = elem ? elem : (mapContainerWrap.data('rmh-additional-elem') ? jQuery(mapContainerWrap.data('rmh-additional-elem')) : null); if(!selectors || (!selectors.content_before && !selectors.content_after)) { var mapContainerOffset = mapContainer.length ? mapContainer.offset() : false , windowHeight = windowObj.height(); height = mapContainerOffset.top < windowHeight ? windowHeight - mapContainerOffset.top : windowHeight; } else { var viewportData = this.getViewportData(0, withoutAfter) , proControlsCon = jQuery('#gmpMapProControlsCon_'+ viewId); height = viewportData.height; mapContainer.parents('.gmp_map_opts:first').css({ 'position': 'fixed' , 'top': viewportData.contentBeforeHeight , 'left': '0' , 'width': windowObj.width() , 'height': height , 'z-index': 1 }); if(proControlsCon.find('.gmpMarkersListCollapseShell').length) { mapContainer.parents('.gmp_map_opts:first').css({ 'overflow-x': 'hidden' , 'overflow-y': 'auto' }); } jQuery(selectors.content_before).css({ 'z-index': 2 }); if(!withoutAfter) { jQuery(selectors.content_after).css({ 'position': 'fixed' , 'bottom': '0' , 'left': '0' , 'width': windowObj.width() , 'z-index': 1 }); } if(elem && elem.length) { height -= elem.outerHeight(true); } } jQuery('#gmpMapDetailsContainer_' + viewId + ', #' + this.getParam('view_html_id')).each(function () { jQuery(this).height(height); }); this.refresh(); } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.getViewportData = function(additionalHeight, withoutAfter) { withoutAfter = withoutAfter ? withoutAfter : false; additionalHeight = additionalHeight ? additionalHeight : 0; var selectors = this.getParam('selectors') , adminBar = jQuery('#wpadminbar') // fix for pages with admin bar , viewportData = { height: jQuery(window).height(), contentBeforeHeight: 0, contentAfterHeight: 0 } , i; if(typeof selectors !== 'undefined' && selectors != null) { var contentBefore = typeof selectors.content_before !== 'undefined' ? jQuery(selectors.content_before) : 0 , contentAfter = typeof selectors.content_after !== 'undefined' ? jQuery(selectors.content_after) : 0; if(adminBar.length) { viewportData.contentBeforeHeight += adminBar.outerHeight(true); } if(contentBefore.length) { for(i = 0; i < contentBefore.length; i++) { viewportData.contentBeforeHeight += jQuery(contentBefore[i]).outerHeight(true); } } if(contentAfter.length && !withoutAfter) { for(i = 0; i < contentAfter.length; i++) { viewportData.contentAfterHeight += jQuery(contentAfter[i]).outerHeight(true); } } } viewportData.height = viewportData.height - viewportData.contentBeforeHeight - viewportData.contentAfterHeight - additionalHeight; return viewportData; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.applyZoomType = function() { if(!GMP_DATA.isAdmin && this.getParam('zoom_type') == 'fit_bounds') { var eventHandle = google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(this.getRawMapInstance(), 'tilesloaded', jQuery.proxy(this._getBoundsHandler, this)); this._addEventListenerHandle('tilesloaded', 'fitBounds', eventHandle); } }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype.applyZoomTypeAdmin = function() { if(GMP_DATA.isAdmin && this.getParam('zoom_type') == 'fit_bounds') { // Call applyZoomTypeAdmin after refresh all map objects in admin area (markers, shapes, etc.) this._getBoundsHandler(); } }; // Free version of method // see pro version here - google-maps-easy-pro/add_map_options/js/core.add_map_options.js gmpGoogleMap.prototype._getBoundsHandler = function(){ var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); bounds = this._getMapMarkersBounds(bounds); this._setMapBounds(bounds); }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype._getMapMarkersBounds = function(bounds){ var markers = this.getAllMarkers(); for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { bounds.extend(markers[i].getPosition()); } return bounds; }; gmpGoogleMap.prototype._setMapBounds = function(bounds){ // fit bounds only if map has more than one object if(!bounds.getNorthEast().equals(bounds.getSouthWest())) { this.fitBounds(bounds); } }; // Common functions var g_gmpGeocoder = null; jQuery.fn.mapSearchAutocompleateGmp = function(params) { params = params || {}; jQuery(this).keyup(function(event){ // Ignore tab, enter, caps, end, home, arrows if(toeInArrayGmp(event.keyCode, [9, 13, 20, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40])) return; var searchData = jQuery.trim(jQuery(this).val()); if(searchData && searchData != '') { if(typeof(params.msgEl) === 'string') { params.msgEl = jQuery(params.msgEl); } params.msgEl.showLoaderGmp(); var self = this; jQuery(this).autocomplete(jQuery.extend({}, params.autocompleteParams, { source: function(request, response) { var autocomleateData = typeof(params.additionalData) != 'undefined' ? gmpAutocomleateData(params.additionalData, request.term) : [] , geocoder = gmpGetGeocoder() , geocoderData = { 'address': searchData }; if(typeof(params.geocoderParams) != 'undefined' && params.geocoderParams) { geocoderData = jQuery.extend({}, geocoderData, params.geocoderParams) } geocoder.geocode(geocoderData, function(results, status) { params.msgEl.html(''); if(status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK && results.length) { for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { autocomleateData.push({ label: results[i].formatted_address , lat: results[i].geometry.location.lat() , lng: results[i].geometry.location.lng() , category: toeLangGmp('Plases') }); } response(autocomleateData); } else { if(autocomleateData) { response(autocomleateData); } else { //var notFoundMsg = toeLangGmp('Google can\'t find requested address coordinates, please try to modify search criterias.'); var notFoundMsg = toeLangGmp('Nothing was found'); if(jQuery(self).parent().find('.ui-helper-hidden-accessible').size()) { jQuery(self).parent().find('.ui-helper-hidden-accessible').html(notFoundMsg); } else { params.msgEl.html(notFoundMsg); } } } }); } , select: function(event, ui) { if(params.onSelect) { params.onSelect(ui.item, event, ui); } } })); // Force imidiate search right after creation jQuery(this).autocomplete('search'); } }); }; function gmpAutocomleateData(data, needle) { var autocomleateData = []; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { for(var j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { if(data[i][j]) { var label = data[i][j].label.toString().toLowerCase() , desc = data[i][j].marker_desc != 'undefined' ? data[i][j].marker_desc : '' , term = needle.toLowerCase(); if(label.indexOf(term) !== -1 || (desc && desc.indexOf(term) !== -1)) { autocomleateData.push(data[i][j]); } } } } return autocomleateData; } function gmpGetGeocoder() { if(!g_gmpGeocoder) { g_gmpGeocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); } return g_gmpGeocoder; } function changeInfoWndType(map) { //This is a standart google maps api class var infowndContent = jQuery('#'+ map._elementId.id).find('.gm-style-iw') , type = map.getParam('marker_infownd_type') , hideInfoWndBtn = parseInt(map.getParam('marker_infownd_hide_close_btn')); switch(type) { case '': if(infowndContent && infowndContent.length) { infowndContent.each(function() { var $this = jQuery(this) , wndBody = $this.prev().children().last() , wndBodyShadow = $this.prev().children(':nth-child(2)') , wndTail = $this.prev().children(':nth-child(3)') , wndTailShadow = $this.prev().children().first(); $this.css({ 'border-radius': '0px' }); }); } break; case 'rounded_edges': if(infowndContent && infowndContent.length) { infowndContent.each(function() { var $this = jQuery(this) , wndBody = $this.prev().children().last() , wndBodyShadow = $this.prev().children(':nth-child(2)') , wndTail = $this.prev().children(':nth-child(3)') , wndTailShadow = $this.prev().children().first(); if(hideInfoWndBtn !== 0) { //$this.next('div').hide(); $this.find(".gm-ui-hover-effect").hide(); } $this.find('.gmpInfoWindowtitle').css({ 'padding': '0' , 'left': '0' }); wndBody.css({ 'border-radius': '10px' }); wndBodyShadow.css({ 'background-color': 'transparent', '-moz-box-shadow': 'none', '-webkit-box-shadow': 'none', 'box-shadow': 'none' }); wndTail.children().each(function(index) { var $this = jQuery(this) , degrees = !index ? 'skewX(50.6deg)' : 'skewX(-50.6deg)' , left = !index ? '-2px' : '0'; $this.css({ 'height': '15px' }); $this.children().css({ 'width': '20px' , 'left': left , 'transform': degrees , '-moz-box-shadow': 'none' , '-webkit-box-shadow': 'none' , 'box-shadow': 'none' }); }); wndTailShadow.css({ 'border-right': 'none' , 'border-left': 'none' , 'border-top': 'none' , 'left': '38px' , 'top': '74px' }); }); } break; default: break; } } function changeInfoWndBgColor(map) { g_gmpMarkerBgColorTimeoutSet = false; var color = map.getParam('marker_infownd_bg_color'); //This is a standart google maps api class var infowndContent = jQuery('#'+ map._elementId.id).find('.gm-style-iw'), styleId = 'gmpInfoWindowStyle'; if(infowndContent && infowndContent.length) { infowndContent.each(function() { var wndBody = jQuery(this).prev().children().last() , wndTail = jQuery(this).prev().children(':nth-child(3)').children().last(); //wndBody.css('background-color', color); //wndTail.prev().children().last().css('background-color', color); //wndTail.children().css('background-color', color); infowndContent.css('background-color', color); infowndContent.prev().children().last().css('background-color', color); infowndContent.children().css('background-color', color); var styleTag = jQuery('#'+styleId), styles = '.gm-style-iw-t::after { background:'+color+' !important; }'; styles += '.gm-style .gm-style-iw-d::-webkit-scrollbar-track, .gm-style .gm-style-iw-d::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { background: '+color+' !important; }'; if(styleTag.length) { styleTag.html(styles); } else { jQuery('').attr('id', styleId).appendTo('head'); } }); } } window.gmpGoogleMap = gmpGoogleMap; // source --> /wp-content/plugins/google-maps-easy/modules/marker/js/core.marker.js?ver=1.9.18 // Markers function gmpGoogleMarker(map, params) { this._map = map; this._markerObj = null; var defaults = { // Empty for now }; if(!params.position && params.coord_x && params.coord_y) { params.position = new google.maps.LatLng(params.coord_x, params.coord_y); } this._markerParams = jQuery.extend({}, defaults, params); this._markerParams.map = this._map.getRawMapInstance(); //this._id = params.id ? params.id : 0; this._infoWindow = null; this._infoWndOpened = false; this._infoWndWasInited = false; this._infoWndDirectionsBtn = false; this._infoWndPrintBtn = false; this._mapDragScroll = { scrollwheel: null }; this.init(); } gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.infoWndOpened = function() { return this._infoWndOpened; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.init = function() { var markerParamsForCreate = this._markerParams , openInfoWndEvent = 'click' , closeInfoWndEvent = '' , openLinkEvent = 'click'; if(parseInt(this._map._mapParams.hide_marker_tooltip)) { this._markerParams.marker_title = this._markerParams.title; delete markerParamsForCreate.title; } this._markerObj = new google.maps.Marker( markerParamsForCreate ); if(this._markerParams.dragend) { this._markerObj.addListener('dragend', jQuery.proxy(this._markerParams.dragend, this)); } if(this._markerParams.click) { this._markerObj.addListener('click', jQuery.proxy(this._markerParams.click, this)); } this._markerObj.addListener('domready', jQuery.proxy(function(){ changeInfoWndBgColor(this._map); }, this)); if(this._markerParams.params && !(window.ontouchstart === null || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints)) { if(parseInt(this._markerParams.params.description_mouse_hover)) { openInfoWndEvent = 'mouseover'; if(parseInt(this._markerParams.params.description_mouse_leave)) { closeInfoWndEvent = 'mouseout'; } } } this._markerObj.addListener(openInfoWndEvent, jQuery.proxy(function () { if(this._markerParams.params && !parseInt(this._markerParams.params.description_mouse_hover) && parseInt(this._markerParams.params.marker_link) ) { return; } else { this.showInfoWnd(); } jQuery(document).trigger('gmapAfterMarkerClick', this); }, this)); if(closeInfoWndEvent) { this._markerObj.addListener(closeInfoWndEvent, jQuery.proxy(function () { var self = this , infoWndDiv = jQuery('.gm-style-iw').parent() , timeout = 300; infoWndDiv.on('mouseover', function () { // Mouse is on infowindow content infoWndDiv.addClass('hovering'); }); infoWndDiv.on('mouseleave', function () { // Hide infowindow after mouse have left infowindow content setTimeout(function() { self.hideInfoWnd(); }, timeout); }); setTimeout(function() { // Hide infowindow if mouse is not on infowindow content if(!infoWndDiv.hasClass('hovering')) { self.hideInfoWnd(); } }, timeout); }, this)); } if(this._markerParams.params && parseInt(this._markerParams.params.marker_link)) { this._markerObj.addListener(openLinkEvent, jQuery.proxy(function () { var isLink = /http/gi , markerLink = !this._markerParams.params.marker_link_src.match(isLink) ? 'http://' + this._markerParams.params.marker_link_src : this._markerParams.params.marker_link_src; if(parseInt(this._markerParams.params.marker_link_new_wnd)) { window.open(markerLink, '_blank'); } else { location.href = markerLink; } }, this)); } }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.showInfoWnd = function( forceUpdateInfoWnd, forceShow ) { var allShapes = this._map.getAllShapes(); if(allShapes && allShapes.length) { for(var i = 0; i < allShapes.length; i++) { if(allShapes[i]._infoWndOpened) allShapes[i].hideInfoWnd(); } } if(!this._infoWndWasInited || forceUpdateInfoWnd) { this._updateInfoWndContent(); this._infoWndWasInited = true; } if(this._infoWindow && !this._infoWndOpened) { var allMapMArkers = this._map.getAllMarkers(); // Google Maps Javascript API v3 allows to open several infowindows on map if(allMapMArkers && allMapMArkers.length > 1 && !forceShow) { for(var i = 0; i < allMapMArkers.length; i++) { allMapMArkers[i].hideInfoWnd(); } } if(parseInt(this.getMap().getParam('center_on_cur_marker_infownd')) && !GMP_DATA.isAdmin) { this.getMap().setCenter(this.getMarkerParam('position')); } this._infoWindow.open(this._map.getRawMapInstance(), this._markerObj); this._infoWndOpened = true; } }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.hideInfoWnd = function() { if(this._infoWindow && this._infoWndOpened) { this._infoWindow.close(); this._infoWndOpened = false; var googleMap = this._map.getRawMapInstance(); googleMap.setOptions( {scrollwheel: this._mapDragScroll.scrollwheel} ); jQuery(document).trigger('gmapAfterHideInfoWnd', this); } }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.getRawMarkerInstance = function() { return this._markerObj; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.getRawMarkerParams = function() { return this._markerParams; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.getIcon = (function() { return this._markerObj.getIcon(); }); gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.setIcon = function(iconPath) { this._markerObj.setIcon( iconPath ); }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.setTitle = function(title, noRefresh) { if(!parseInt(this._map._mapParams.hide_marker_tooltip)) this._markerObj.setTitle( title ); this._markerParams.title = title; if(!noRefresh) this._updateInfoWndContent(); }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.getTitle = function() { return typeof this._markerParams.title != 'undefined' ? this._markerParams.title : this._markerParams.marker_title; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.getPosition = function() { return this._markerObj.getPosition(); }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.setPosition = function(lat, lng) { this._markerObj.setPosition( new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng) ); }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.lat = function() { return this.getPosition().lat(); }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.lng = function(lng) { return this.getPosition().lng(); }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.setId = function(id) { this._markerParams.id = id; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.getId = function() { return this._markerParams.id; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.setDescription = function (description, noRefresh) { this._markerParams.description = description; if(!noRefresh) this._updateInfoWndContent(); if(this._markerParams.params && parseInt(this._markerParams.params.show_description)) { this.showInfoWnd(false, true); } }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.getDescription = function () { return this._markerParams.description; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype._setTitleColor = function(titleDiv) { var titleColor = this._map.getParam('marker_title_color'); if(titleColor && titleColor != '') { titleDiv.css({ 'color': titleColor }); } return titleDiv; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype._setTitleSize = function(titleDiv) { var titleSize = this._map.getParam('marker_title_size') , titleSizeUnits = this._map.getParam('marker_title_size_units'); if(titleSize && titleSizeUnits && titleSize != '') { titleDiv.css({ 'font-size': titleSize + titleSizeUnits , 'line-height': (+titleSize + 5) + titleSizeUnits }); } return titleDiv; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype._setDescSize = function(descDiv) { var descSize = this._map.getParam('marker_desc_size') , descSizeUnits = this._map.getParam('marker_desc_size_units'); if(descSize && descSizeUnits && descSize != '') { descDiv.css({ 'font-size': descSize + descSizeUnits , 'line-height': parseInt(descSize) + 5 + descSizeUnits }); } return descDiv; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype._updateInfoWndContent = function() { var contentStr = jQuery('
', {}) , description = this._markerParams.description ? this._markerParams.description.replace(/\n/g, '
') : false , title = this._markerParams.title ? this._markerParams.title : false; if(parseInt(this._map._mapParams.hide_marker_tooltip) && !GMP_DATA.isAdmin) { title = this._markerParams.marker_title ? this._markerParams.marker_title : false; } if(title) { var titleDiv = jQuery('
', {}) .addClass('gmpInfoWindowtitle') .html( title ); titleDiv = this._setTitleColor(titleDiv); titleDiv = this._setTitleSize(titleDiv); contentStr.append( titleDiv ); if(this._infoWndDirectionsBtn) { this._infoWndDirectionsBtn.insertAfter(contentStr.find('.gmpInfoWindowtitle')); } if(this._infoWndPrintBtn) { this._infoWndPrintBtn.insertAfter(contentStr.find('.gmpInfoWindowtitle')); } } if(description) { var descDiv = jQuery('
', {}) .addClass('egm-marker-iw') .html( description ); descDiv = this._setDescSize(descDiv); contentStr.append( descDiv ); // Check scripts in description, and execute them if they are there var $scripts = contentStr.find('script'); if($scripts && $scripts.size()) { $scripts.each(function(){ var scriptSrc = jQuery(this).attr('src'); if(scriptSrc && scriptSrc != '') { jQuery.getScript( scriptSrc ); } }); } } this._setInfoWndContent( contentStr ); }; /** * Just mark it as closed */ gmpGoogleMarker.prototype._setInfoWndClosed = function() { this._infoWndOpened = false; jQuery(document).trigger('gmapAfterHideInfoWnd', this); }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype._setInfoWndContent = function(newContentHtmlObj) { var self = this , map = this.getMap(); if(!this._infoWindow) { var mapWidth = GMP_DATA.isAdmin ? jQuery('#gmpMapPreview').width() : jQuery('#' + map.getViewHtmlId()).width() , infoWndType = map.getParam('marker_infownd_type') , infoWndWidth = map.getParam('marker_infownd_width_units') == 'px' ? map.getParam('marker_infownd_width') : mapWidth - 20 , infoWndHeight = map.getParam('marker_infownd_height_units') == 'px' ? map.getParam('marker_infownd_height')+ 'px' : false , maxWndWidth = mapWidth * 0.6 , infoWndParams = { maxWidth: infoWndWidth < maxWndWidth ? infoWndWidth : maxWndWidth }; switch(infoWndType) { case 'rounded_edges': infoWndParams.pixelOffset = new google.maps.Size(0, 10); break; default: break; } //add disableAutoPan property if description_mouse_leave is true /*if(this._markerParams.params && this._markerParams.params.description_mouse_leave) infoWndParams['disableAutoPan'] = true;*/ this._infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(infoWndParams); google.maps.event.addListener(this._infoWindow, 'domready', function(){ changeInfoWndType(map); changeInfoWndBgColor(map); // check if tooltip text has "Gallery by Supsystic" if(this.content && this.content.innerHTML && this.content.innerHTML.indexOf && this.content.innerHTML.indexOf('id="grid-gallery-') != -1) { jQuery(document).trigger('ggFirInitialize'); } }); google.maps.event.addListener(this._infoWindow, 'closeclick', function(){ self._setInfoWndClosed(); }); } if(infoWndHeight) { newContentHtmlObj.css('cssText', 'max-height: '+ infoWndHeight +';'); } // Fix bug in FF - scroll on infowindow content changes map zoom var scrollwheel = map.get('scrollwheel') , googleMap = map.getRawMapInstance(); //Save scrollwheel setting to container before rewrite it. this._mapDragScroll.scrollwheel = scrollwheel; newContentHtmlObj.hover( function() { googleMap.setOptions({ scrollwheel: false }); }, function() { googleMap.setOptions({ scrollwheel: scrollwheel }); } ); this._infoWindow.setContent(newContentHtmlObj[0]); }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.removeFromMap = function() { this.getRawMarkerInstance().setMap( null ); }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.setMarkerParams = function(params) { this._markerParams = params; return this; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.setMarkerParam = function(key, value) { this._markerParams[ key ] = value; return this; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.getMarkerParam = function(key) { return this._markerParams[ key ]; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.setMap = function( map ) { this.getRawMarkerInstance().setMap( map ); }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.getMap = function() { return this._map; }; gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.setVisible = function(state) { this.getRawMarkerInstance().setVisible(state); } gmpGoogleMarker.prototype.getVisible = function(state) { this.getRawMarkerInstance().getVisible(state); } // Common functions function _gmpPrepareMarkersList(markers, params) { params = params || {}; if(markers) { for(var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { markers[i].coord_x = parseFloat( markers[i].coord_x ); markers[i].coord_y = parseFloat( markers[i].coord_y ); markers[i].icon = markers[i].icon_data.path; if(params.dragend) { markers[i].draggable = true; markers[i].dragend = params.dragend; } } } return markers; } window.gmpGoogleMarker = gmpGoogleMarker;